
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Difference Between Discovery and Invention

Discovery vs Invention
In a casual everyday conversation, one would most likely interchange the words ‘discovery’ and ‘invention’, nonchalantly so.  Many would settle with the presumption that these are one and the same. On the other hand, there are those who would like to debate that they are entirely different for a good number of ineligible reasons. And the determining factor, the object they point to. Rule of thumb is that discoveries apply to those that have been long existent, while inventions, to those that have never existed in the past.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Šta je R&D, pronalazak, inovacija, razvoj, poboljšanje?

Istraživanje i razvoj (R&D)
R&D predstavlja proces u kome se kreiraju nova naučna itehnološka znanja. Aktivnosti koje klasificiraju R&D funciju razlikuju se od kompanije do kompanije ali generalno postoje dva primarna modela:

  1. Primarna funkcija R&D-a je rayvoj novih proiyvoda
  2. Primarna funkcija R&D-a je pronalazak i kreiranje novih naučnih i tehnoloških znanja u svrhu otkrivanja i omogućavanja razvoja novih vrijednosti, proizvoda, procesa i usluga.