
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Difference Between Discovery and Invention

Discovery vs Invention
In a casual everyday conversation, one would most likely interchange the words ‘discovery’ and ‘invention’, nonchalantly so.  Many would settle with the presumption that these are one and the same. On the other hand, there are those who would like to debate that they are entirely different for a good number of ineligible reasons. And the determining factor, the object they point to. Rule of thumb is that discoveries apply to those that have been long existent, while inventions, to those that have never existed in the past.
To invent is akin to creating something completely distinct and was non-existent prior to the act. In natural sciences, a thing or an instance is considered as such when it is embodied in artifacts, tools, machinery etc. Examples of inventions would be wheels, automobile, scissors, umbrella, ballpoint pen, telephone and so on. Inventions are derived from materials that have been previously discovered and even from a collection and integration of earlier inventions.  For instance, the wheel is an invention derived from wood, rubber or metal – materials that have been in existence ever since. Another example – the ballpoint pen is an invention that integrated prior discoveries and inventions such as ink, metal, and plastic tube. In other words, it is an integration of materials that produced an entirely distinct tool. To invent is to plan and produce something to meet a specific purpose. For instance, the invention of scissors was driven by the need for a tool that can cut objects efficiently and meticulously. It was designed for a specific purpose.
Discovery is an entirely different thing. It is to detect something new. Note the verb ‘to detect’. It does not necessarily mean to create or produce the object of discovery, but rather it is to make it known. Most importantly, discoveries apply to any natural occurrence. Isaac Newton discovered gravity; he did not invent it. Scientifically speaking, gravity is something that has already existed even before the Earth was formed. Newton did not create it. He detected and gave a name to it. Discoveries let people know and recognize factual occurrences that have existed long before. For instance, before Newton gave a distinction to what we now call gravity, the public were not aware or consciously concerned of it. The discovery of it led to public awareness. It made them understand the concept behind such force and not to mention, led to further ground-breaking discoveries that unraveled how the universe works. Like inventions, discoveries can be purposely planned through explorations or can be unexpected as well. For example, guys at NASA send teams to conduct space exploration partly for new discoveries. They may have or not have a hint of what they are about to find.
By and large, invention and discovery work hand in hand. As mentioned earlier, inventions are a result of materials and occurrences discovered even prior to the thought of coming up with the invention. A good example would be the automobile, an original creation derived from metals, gas, rubber and other raw materials that were apparently discovered even before the conception of such invention. In the same manner, discoveries are sometimes made known through the help of inventions. For instance, the invention of the space shuttle led to discoveries about the moon and planets neighboring Earth.
  1. A discovery pertains detecting something new. An object of discovery has already been existent prior to the actual discovery.
  2. An invention is an original concept or thing that has not been existent prior to actual invention.
  3. A discovery pertains to natural occurrences while an invention, to man-made artifacts, tools, processes etc.
  4. Discovery and invention work hand in hand. Inventions are an integration of things that have already been discovered in the same way that new discoveries can be found through the help of inventions.

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